
Sunday, December 13, 2009


First of all I would like to apologize to you all for the short break. I know you lot were yearning for another Somiesomie piece...LOL.
I would also like to give a shout out to all my followers that contacted me during the break, I appreciate the loyalty; I had to handle some personal sturvs please bear with me...the good news is that I am back full time...yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay lets go back to business. Today's blog is on 'Jet lag' First and foremost, I'm gonna go ahead and define that word for those that are not familiar with it. According to, Jet lag is a temporary disruption of the body's normal biological rhythms after a high-speed air travel or through several time zones. Got it? Ok lets move on. So I travelled from point A to point B, a few days ago, and have not been able to sleep at night in point B. I sleep in the daytime and stay up all night..smh. I have been thinking about taking melatonin, a medication that adjusts your sleep wake cycle...but I have a problem with submitting my body to man-made concoctions....drugs! I really do..*hiss* I'm the kind of chic that will offer my friend my bed and a blanket to lay down instead of a pain killer for a head ache, for realz. So I guess I could be called an anti-pharmacological human being lol.. My thinking: our body produces way too many chemicals naturally so why add some more chaos to the already COMPLICATED mix? LOL.. weird huh? Give it a thot before judging me!
So back to my topic...Jetlag! I need help..I really do, Its approximately 8.30am in the current city that I am in which is 5 hours ahead of my city of origin, and I haven't slept! Not even for a minute...this is killing me. I don't have to be at work or school here, but I do have office hours commitments to deal calls and all, but I will be sleeping during that time!!!!!!!!!! So I guess my question to you all is:::What shall I do? has anybody experienced this? is anybody experiencing this now? Or does anybody have helpful ideas? Please share your honest thots and opinions below. Thanks!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Give it!

Good morning all.

Okay so I know we are in a recession and there is nothing we can do to change it, at least for now. Everyone is trying to save as much as they can. Charity donations have diminished tremendously, the voluntary workers' population have been slashed in half, used to be generous people are no longer generous, and the list goes on... But do you know there is something that costs zero dollars that you could still give generously and never run out? Yea..there really is! It is called a SMILE! Everyone has it to infinity...unless they get botoxed up..LOL. Each eye contact should be accompanied with a smile, its easy, it takes no time, it means a lot to people, and u can do it!! Try to smile at most or all the people you make eye contacts with today and see how you and those people feel. Statistics has shown that the smallest smile could make a person feel twice as good as they did before they were smiled at. Interesting huh? And yea...a Smile could save a life, seriously it really can, it has done so in the past!

What do you do when you are on the elevator? Do you smile or stand and look mean? What do you do when you walk past a person? Do you smile or just walk past? What do you do when you are standing in a queue? Do you smile or act like there is no one else there? What do you do at your place of work? Do you smile at your colleagues or just walk to your desk? What do you do when you make eye contact at the gym? Do you smile or look away? A smile costs zero dollars, zero pounds, zero naira, zero yuan, zero sterling, zero euros and so on.. so there is no need to save it.

If you see someone without a smile, kindly give them one of yours!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mr Obama?

Good morning all. So I woke up this morning and wanted to see what was going on in the world.. I turned on my TV and started flipping through channels. I settled for a famous News station where some newscaster was discussing the president's performance with a guest...the conversation was appropriate and interesting until I heard the newscaster address the president as 'Mr Obama' I paused and then listened on..thinking it could could have been a mistake...I continued to listen..but heard it over and over again. I angrily switched to another program, and sent out a letter to that station! Hopefully they will be respectful enough to respond!
What do you guys think? Does anyone know why President Obama is being called 'mr Obama'? I mean is there a reason behind it? Is he not president enough? Am I missing something? Or are these people just outright disrespectful? What do you think?
Please explain to me.. Does anyone remember hearing phrases like 'Mr Clinton' or 'Mr Bush' over the past years? Like seriously, why can't this diligent president get his well deserved credit? What are your thoughts and comments? Please share...
Hey y'all how is the going?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

happy day

Hey everyone how is ur day going?
I feel like I have been blessed today.